Well, even though  S P R I N G  is only 13 days away, there’s no stopping this lovely snow storm (insert eye roll) ! Jesse and I are leaving for Europe tonight and we’re crossing our fingers that this storm doesn’t push back our trip!

Speaking of our trip, we’ve got a long flight ahead of us. Eight plus hours of breathing the same air of hundreds of other people! Thankfully this fresh juice recipe is packed with tons of Vitamin C to fight off all the germs.

Here’s the recipe!


C I T R U S  B O O S T  J U I C E


2 Oranges

1 Kiwi

4 Large Carrots

3 Limes

1-2 Myer Lemons (depending on how tart you like it)

1/2 Head of Celery


Put all items through your juicer, then mix everything well. Serve over ice with an orange slice. This recipe makes about a quart of juice, and your can keep it in your fridge for up to three days. Enjoy!


Thanks so much for reading! Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss a healthy recipe!

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xx Makayla

Emily Hess