Top 5 Health Benefits Of Pomegranates


POMEGRANATES: A perfect pop of color and flavor to compliment wintery foods; add to snacks, salads or yogurt and enjoy the many health benefits!

POMEGRANATES: A perfect pop of color and flavor to compliment wintery foods; add to snacks, salads or yogurt and enjoy the many health benefits!

T o p 5 H e a l t h B e n e f i t s

1.) The very rich red color comes from the high levels of antioxidants present in this ‘super fruit’. Antioxidants a great for fighting off free radicals and germs in the body.

2.) Pomegranates are wonderful for the digestive system! Since they are high in fiber, they help to remove toxins, and keep your insides clean and healthy.

3.) There are very high levels of calcium found in pomegranates, making them great for improving bone and joint strength.

4.) Immune boosting: Similar to last week’s ‘food star’, pomegranates are super high in Vitamin C, making them great for when you’re fighting a cold or sickness (especially in the winter!)

5.) Pomegranates improve blood circulation and metabolism. This can in turn, aid in weight loss!

Pomegranates originated in the Middle East, but are grown all over the USA. Peak season for this delicious fruit is mid November, but they are grown fresh from September all the way to December (perfect for the holidays).

Pomegranates originated in the Middle East, but are grown all over the USA. Peak season for this delicious fruit is mid November, but they are grown fresh from September all the way to December (perfect for the holidays).

Throwing a Christmas Party? Add a few Pomegranate seeds to your cheese board for a pop of festive color.

Enjoy them with your morning yogurt to kickstart your day with a burst if antioxidants.

Or on a salad for another layer of texture and flavor!

No matter how you use them, they’re delicious and packed with health benefits! Never tried one? Its not too late! Pomegranates are in peak season right now so its the perfect time to pick one up at your local farmer’s market!

Check out my recipe for Pomegranate Salad Dressing ! Simple, healthy and delicious.

xo Makayla

Photos By:

Makayla Smucker

Bethany Ballantyne

Emily Hess

Makayla Smucker