Winter is well on its way! The colder it gets outside, the more I want to stay at home curled up in my fluffiest blanket. With the holiday season being in full swing as well, we are surrounded by all kinds of yummy but terribly unhealthy treats. They’re everywhere! Don’t get me wrong, I have my fair share of cookies and candy this time of the year, but it can be so easy to let yourself “give up” on health until the new year by eating what ever you want for the entire month of December, and “forgetting” about the gym. You’ll start fresh in January, right?
I have used this excuse many times! But this year, I am taking a different approach. There is no need to feel sluggish and unmotivated all the time; and yes, the food choices you make actually cause these feelings!
Take time to be cautious about what you eat. Your body needs fuel – the right kind of fuel. That being said, enjoy little indulgences here and there. It really is okay to treat yourself!
I have come up with a new recipe that is both delicious and energizing. It will help motivate you to get up and get that workout DONE for the day and you’ll feel amazing.
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie
1/2 Cup Fresh Blueberries
1/2 Cup Fresh Coconut Meat
1/4 Cup Chopped Fresh Pineapple (for sweetness)
1/2 tsp Maca Powder
1/2 tsp Chia Seed Powder
Water as needed
Add all ingredients to your blender, adding the ice last. Blend and add water until you reach your desired consistency. Pour into your favorite glass and top with coconut shavings. YUM
The Maca powder in this smoothie is what helps to give you that extra boost of energy, as well as the tons of antioxidants that blueberries carry!
This can be done at home or at the gym + it only takes 25 minutes. You will definitely be sweating when you’re finished!
20 Burpees
50 Jumping Jacks
10 Pushups
50 Jumping Jacks
10 Sit Ups
1 Minute Wall Sit
50 Jumping Jacks
10 Donkey Kicks (each leg)
20 Squats with a resistance band
20 Tricep Dips
Repeat this circuit two times.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope this motivates you to fuel your body and get active!
xx Makayla